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Writer The Great Ayatollah Borqei Qomi

Writer : The Great Ayatollah Borqei Qomi

Books: 0





Be informed that the writer of these lines is from the people of the city of Qum[1]. Thirty men from my fathers have lived there, starting from the first descendant to this city, which is: Musa al-Mubarqai[2] ibn al-Imam Muhammad (al-Jawwad) ibn Ali (al-Ridah) ibn Musa (al-Kāẓim), peace be upon him – the tomb of al-Mubarqai´ is well known today in Qum – thus, I am an offspring of al-Mubarqai´, and it was as a result of this they call me al-Mubarqai´. Also, I relate to the Imam Ridah and they call me al-Ridawī, or Ibn Ridah, and in the official identity card, I was nicked named Ibn al-Ridah.

However the chain of my lineage, as stated in the book of biographies and written in the book of “Biography of Men”[3] in the chapter of alif  were as follows: Abu al-Fadl ibn Hasan bin Ahmed bin Ridah al-Din ibn Mir Yaḥya bin Mirmiran bin Amīran al-Awwal ibn Mir Safiyyu al-Din ibn Mir Abī al-Qāsim ibn Mir Yaḥya ibn al-Sayyid Muḥsin Razavi – he  was a great notable elders of the people and great figure of his time – ibn Ridah al-Din ibn Fakhr al-Din Ali bin Ridah al-Din Hussein Badshah bin Abī Qāsim Ali ibn Abi Ali Mohamed bin Aḥmad bin Mohammed al-A´raj ibn Aḥmed bin Mūsa al-Mubarqi´, ibn al-Imām Muhammad al-Jawwād, may Allah bless my parents and me and forgive me and them.

Moreover, my father, al-Sayyid Hassan was a poor person who turns away from the world and he was the most ascetic of the people, relying on his handwork for his livelihood until his last days. He used to work in a very cold time even when he was old.

He - may Allah bless him - was in fine fettle, always happy, loves to pray at night, accompanies the worshipers, and despite the fact that he has little, he was magnanimous and respectful.

Because of my father’s poverty, he was unable to finance our education... but Allah helped me with a mother who she is very concern about education. I schooled with the blessing of her effort whereby she sought to collect little money in order to send it to the teacher every month.

And my mother – may Allah bless her – Sakīnat Sultan; was a worshiper, ascetic and contended. Her father is Al-Hāj Al-shykh: Ghulām Ridah al-Qummī – the author of the book: Riyadh al-Ḥusaynī. He was a well known preacher. The late Shaykh Ghulām Ḥusayn al-Wā´ẓ and al-Shaykh Ali al-Muḥarri are my uncles. The book “The Benefit of Life and the Benefit of Death” are among the books of al-Shaykh Ghulām Ḥusayn.

My mother - as I mentioned earlier - was a strong woman. In the year of drought – during the days of the First World War - when Russian troops entered Iran, I was in the fifth year of my life, and with the blessing of Allah, my mother was able to overcome the distress.

              Allah has bestowed mercy on me and taught me with his blessing...in my childhood, I learned reading and writing in an unusual way... Due to the lack of money, I used to go to school and sit near the students being teaching by the teacher and listen to him. And by so doing, I learned little by little.


The method of learning in the past differs from today in such a way that teacher does not teach all the students together, but each student has his own particular lesson. But as a result of my family poverty, I did not have any thing to give to the teacher. Thus, I did not have my own particular lesson as the case of the other children ... However; I have advanced in learning by sitting close to them... Although I did not have papers which I could write on them, but I used to take the advantage of the papers thrown out by the shopkeepers and spice dealers. If I found a plain side of a white paper, I took it in order to write it.

I thank Almighty Allah that I learned in my poor situation of that period, because learning today has now required a set of books and not a few papers. Therefore, how would a poor student like me who could not buy a pen or notebook?

I completed the learning of Persian writing and Qur’ānic reading when I was young. It was after this the Shaykh Abd al-Karīm al-Ḥāirī al-Yazdī[4], one of the great scholars of its time came to Qum on the invitation of his family after he had stayed in the city of Arak. And he opened a centre for students. I was ten or twelve years old at the time of his arrival and I was determined to attend lessons at this centre. Indeed, I went to the school of Radawi located in the old market city of Qum until I prepare for the study.  

I applied to get a special room like the rest of other students, but I was unlucky on this as a result of my younger age. Fortunately for me, the cousin of my mother – whose name is Mohammed saḥḥāf - was the headmaster of the school. Through his post, they agreed to give me a very small room which its length and breadth is a meter wide. It was a room in the corner of the school that was dedicated for the purposes of cleaning and it has a broken door. Thus, the refuse of the school usually be at my side.

I have worked hard to prepare the room, and I rugged it with a small carpet given to me by my mother. It was not until after this I busy studying day and night in that non modest room which does not protect me neither in the summer’s heat nor in the winter’s cold as a result of its creaking door.

I remained in that non modest room for almost two years, and for this length of period, nobody is ready to assist me in my spending; neither my relatives nor others. Thus, I used to work sometimes with some traders or provender in order to get basic necessities to continue my seeking knowledge, till Allah made me to learn Grammar and Morphology. I read the book of Mugnī, and the book of , and I was introduced to be tested in front of al-Ḥāj Abdl al-KarīmYazdi and others, and I passed with distinction. Thus, the Shaykh compensated me by allocating a monthly salary of five riyals, but it did not sufficient for my basic needs. Thus, I asked some of them to plead on my behalf with the Sheikh al-Ḥāirī to increase my salary to a sufficient amount. Then he agreed and raised the salary to eight riyals.  

I have strived earnestly to manage my expenses very well so that I won’t need more than the eight riyals. I used to give the baker four riyals and half to take from him every day a loaf and half of barley bread - whereby the ten loaves of bread with one riyal –  And I decided to spend four riyals in a month to buy bread, and I used to buy a quantity of dried plums with two riyals. If I want to eat any of them, I put it in the water and then eat and drink the juice with the bread. This quantity will satisfy me for a full month.

Also, I used to keep what is left – that is a one and a half riyal – for bathroom expenses, and it will be enough for my shower four times in every month.

In this way, I managed myself and I continue seeking for the knowledge until I reached a pass out stage[5]. I learned the jurisprudence and its foundation. During my studies also, I was teaching some of the junior students the courses of Introductory Stage (Jurisprudence, Foundation of Jurisprudence, Morphology, Grammar, and Logic) from my memory due to the lack of required books. And thus, I attained the ranks of teachers of al-Ḥawzah


Among my books which created enemies for me and made them to be in one position was the book "The Lesson of the State," I have made some facts cleared in this book, and I showed a bit of associating partners with Allah in the Shiite, the Sufis and the Shaykhiyyah. I wrote that the prophets and saints do not associate partners with Allah in His attributes and actions, and also indicated that the mandate of the prophets and saints do not exceed the legislative matters, and that they do not have any ability to produce the creature, the livelihood and the likes.

            This book has created uproar among the people, and has heaped upon me the flood of charges and slanders by the religious scholars, Subḥāna Allah..! What has happened?! I did not write in this book except the Qur’ānic verses and Ḥahadith which were related to Qur’ān?!

I have known the reason why Sufism and Shaykhiyyah and their likes are all against me. It is this book of mine and previous one that is making their shops find no market. But at this time, I was taken as enemy by the people who consider themselves defenders of the realities of Islam. Has their merchant also unmarketable?!

Whatever may be the case: many of the turban’s fellows and especially, the eulogists and the vocalist and others rebuked me, distorted my image and to beware of me.

Immediately after the publication of the book, some scholars defended me for a while, but after seeing the campaign which was mounted by the owners of orthodox shops, they backed down on their defence on me and kept silent, and perhaps many of them were not prepared to continue to defend me or my book.

The Ayatollah al-Ḥajj: dhabīhūllah Mahallāti[6] wrote answers to people’s question about my book: (A lesson from the State) saying: "I have read the book (a lesson from the state) of Ḥujjah al-Islam, the learned, the Justice, al-sayyid Al-barqai´, I saw his belief intact, and I saw that he does not promote Wahhabism at all, and the words of the people accusing him is false, and therefore, fear Allah as He should be feared. Al-sayyid Al-barqai´ has done nothing but only responding to the misguided statements. Such as the saying of some of them “If the world perishes, it is perish by Ali... and if the resurrection time comes, it is establish by Ali”[7] I will say that this poetry is invalid.

Signed: Mahallātī.

Al-sayyid Ali Mishkiīnī al-Najafī[8] also wrote that: I am Ali Mishkīnī, I have read the book "A Lesson from the State" and I was pleased with its high content which it matches the proper religion and shariah law.

Signed: Ali Mishkiīnī

            Also, al-sayyid Ḥujjah al-Islam, al-sayyid waḥīd al-ddin mur´shiī al-najjafī wrote:

Allah exalted is He:

The al-sayyid Al-barqai´ – May is great speech be long - is a mujtahid, justice and my Imām of doctrine. Based on the known statement: "The Book of a person and his work is the proof of his intellect and the mirror of his creed," He had written a high profound topic on the position and prestige of Amīr al-Muhmini and other imams of guidance, peace be upon them, in a book "The Intellect and Religion" and a book "Biography of Men" which was printed recently, and in all his other books. The issue raised against him by those troublemakers, the hasty people and the fanatics who did not study his book: (Lessons from the State) are far from the faith, and they are unfair to al-sayyid al-Mu´ẓam and their words had no effect on the scholars and wise men (the wise known)... And woe upon those who hurt the pure descendants of the Imāms of guidance - peace upon them - who has the authentication of ijtihad from several authorities. Those people are nothing, but only indicting and making a false accusation on someone who is a Muslim and even a knowledgeable scholar. The Allah says: “Verily, those who like to spread evil among those who believe, they will have a painful torment in this world and the Hereafter”. (al-Qur’ān: al-Nūr, 19)

The servant of plain Sharia: Al-sayyid Wahīd al-Din al-Mar´shī al-Najafī.

Dated in the month of sacred Dhu al-Qa´dah (1389 10/22/1348).

Also, Ayatollah al-Khawī knew me very well. I remember that when I was lecturing in Najaf, and that time which I was plagued by superstitions, he used to admire my talk very much. And for his high support of me and showing his satisfaction, he used to kiss me after I stepped out of the pulpit.

Also, al-sayyid Al-shahroudī often used to encourage me and praise me. And at a time when many false sects who follow the philosophers spread in Najaf, some students wanted to learn Philosophy, thus, I was asked by the Najaf authority to explain it to the students of that region because they lack knowledge about it. Most of them were not aware of anti-Philosophy of the Qur'ān and Sunnah. That is why the Ayatollah Shahroudī used to welcome me in his house compound and ask me to explain the issues of creed to students. I accepted his request and I started explaining the facts to the students and he used to show his satisfaction and respects for me, but in these last days when I fought against the superstition, all those who know me left me and kept silent. Some even show their opposition to me.

After the fall of shah's government and al-sayyid al-Khomeini took over the power, I wanted to meet him because we have been studying together during the days of youth for about thirty years. Prior to his return to Iran and the change of Iran’s condition, and the placing of the turbaned fellow in the government, al-Khomeini in one of his speech mentioned me indirectly and he was not bold to state my name. This was after the death of his eldest son Ayatollah al-Sayyid Mustafa Khomeini. His speech has been published in the Kayhan newspaper in the month of Aban[9] in 1356 هـ., (corresponding to October 1978) on page 9. He said:

“I will blame the notable scholars also, they are unaware of many things, and they are affected by the biased regime propaganda which creates tension every day because of trivial issue, and they ignore this big issue. In Iran, issues are raised every day, and all the preachers and the notable scholars are consuming their time on simple issues rather than spending it on the Islamic issues, politics and social welfare. Since it is wrong to waste time in discussing about Zayd, that it is infidel and that ´Umar is apostate and, that is Wahhabī! And they say about a scholar who works hard for fifty years who’s understanding on jurisprudence is better than the jurisprudence of most of the present is Wahhabī! This error does not differentiate between one and the other! You are raising the issue after the other and you say, this is Wahhabī, and this has no religion, and this is this! Well! I don’t know who will be left for us? [10]

Based on this previous relationship, I wrote a letter and I gave it to my daughter to deliver it through Khomeini's wife. My daughter travelled to Qum and went to al-sayyid Khomeini’s house and told them she is having a message for al-sayyid... Meanwhile, al-sayyid was in the bathroom. Therefore, the wife of Imam insisted that my daughter should stay with them for lunch, but my daughter was sick thus offers an excuse... And when al-sayyid Khomeini came out of the bathroom, his wife told my daughter:  go and give the letter by yourself to al-sayyid, and actually she gave him the letter and she said: Al-barqai´ sent you this letter, he asked and said: which Al-barqai´?! My daughter replied: al-sayyid Abu al-Fadl Al-barqai´, and when he heard my name, al-sayyid al-Khomeini showed a great respect for my daughter took the message and went with it and my daughter turn back and said goodbye to his family. His wife said to my daughter: We are going to take the answer of the letter from al-sayyid and bring it to you in Tehran.

After a period, al-Thaqafi’s wife came to Tehran and visited my daughter, but she didn’t have any answer with her but she said “when al-sayyid saw the message of your father he said “al-sayyid Al-barqai´ is a mujtahid by himself and he has opinion, but could not attract the people.  

The same is the Āyat Allah al-Ùāliqānī, when he was released from prison, I went to him. During the conversation, he placed his head closer to my ear and said: "All what you are saying is true and correct but now it is not in our interest to talk about this truth and honesty. Then, I said to him: they will ask about it on the Day of Resurrection. So, when shall we tell the truth and show it then?!

I do not know if this statement reached al-Sayyid Bazarkan or not?! However, during the days of recovery which I spent at home - after my injury – The Engineer Mahdi Bazarkan, Dr. al-Øadr and the Engineer Tūsilī came to visit me. After I have presented to them my situation and I told them what happened to me, I said to them: Have you seen the result of imitation and what it was done to me?! Look at this blind imitator how he moved and wanted to kill me without asking them the evidence that permits to kill me! I advise you and your friends, honest advice: Leave the imitation of the elders.

My son was aware that al-sayyid Moussawī al-Ardabili[11] knows me well in the youth days when I was superstitious and when I was a very young man, I used to deliver sermon in the city of Anzali, and he used to deliver it after me.

Also, my son sent a letter to one of his colleagues and his room’s neighbour at al-Ḥajtiyyat School during the time of seeking knowledge, and he is al-sayyid Mohammad Mahdī al-Rīshahrī[12].

They also sent a copy of this letter to al-sayyid Mohammad Imāmi al-Kāshānī. He was among those who show his love for me before I started going against superstition.

It happens that I went to visit and express my sympathy to one of my relatives whose name is Ayatollah Fayd. He was among the people of Qom and claims authority as well. There was a funeral gathering in his place and when I arrived at his place, I express my sympathy and condolence to him. The surprise was that he used to be kind to me before but this time he met me with different face. His face was frown clearly and his indications suggest that he was not satisfied with me. Then, I said “Have you noticed something from me which make you meet me with your frown face?! He said: "In fact, I did not expect what happened from you.

I said: What happened? He said: "Your letter which you threatened me in it to distort my reputation in the Qum markets has disturbed me, if I tell anyone of my opinion on who is more knowledge than al-Burujardi!! I said to him: "I have no knowledge about this letter, and it was forged even if my signature was appended on it, it was forged, and I swore to him on it.

The truth is that I came out from him and I was stunned by the way and the new method in the appointment of the authority by force and threats. I have come to conviction that the hands of agents of the West have began to play even on the authority, and that they are one who wants to impose al-sayyid al-Burujardi as authority to be followed. I have confirmed more through some issues after that, and how they have benefited from him.

In 1328 which corresponds to 1950, Ahmed Qawām became the Prime Minister and Ayatollah al-Kāshānī wanted to modify the electoral system in order to reduce the number of agents appointed by the State Council. I was among those who close to Ayatollah Kāshāni and if I come in winter to Tehran I used to stay with him at home. He has told me that year that: go and rent a car for us so that we can travel to Khurasān. I prepared for that and Shaykh al-sayyid Mohammad Bāqir Kamra and two others came with us and we were six including one of his sons, and so we move to the scene. At that time, the state was afraid of our travelling for fear that we could encourage people to elect good people to the Electoral Board. Thus, when we moved, people in the villages and cities were welcoming us on the road and as such the State instructed the officials to stop us and they seek every pretext to return Ayatollah Kāshani to Tehran.

When the officer and the audience saw this book of mine, they said: Well done. They took my book and then returned it on the second day and told us that Shah ordered the release of Sheikh al-Qumī - ie: al-Barqai´ - and his companion.

There were some atheists and communists in the room adjacent to our room. They sent me a message that they want to meet me, and I agreed. Some of those with us said - they are the people which religion does not reflect in them: - that we are afraid to be accused of communists if we sit with them. I said: who is going to accuse you? Don’t be afraid of anybody, let them come to us. When they get to know us, they were happy because, they found brave scholars who go against the tyrannical government. Thus, we discussed with them with love and kindness, and clarified to them some of the problems they have about Islam and its laws.

When they left us at the square of “Toboukhanah” we bid farewell to those who were with us and then we parted away. I went to the house of al-sayyid al-Kāshānī, and al-sayyid was a mujtahid, brave, and intelligent. Despite the fact that he had been expelled from the country to Lebanon, his family welcomed him and they were very happy for his arrival to them however.

In those years, all of the scholars keep away from politics and they were avoiding dealing with any matter relating to the State. And if they see someone like al-Kāshānī or the poor slave who is the writer of these lines and his like who stands against the State, people will abandon him.

In short, I can describe Iran in those years as a large cemetery, and those who presided over it were the gravediggers; turning its resident as they turn the dead. A man of al-Kāshānī calibre will be one and only during that time facing difficulties and many troubles. That is how we lived those days until people started waking up in Iran. There was no popular or even unpopular confrontation at all before al-Kāshānī. The people did not know the late (masadaq) and it was al-sayyid al-Kāshāni who strives earnestly so that the righteous can be in control of Shūra Council “Parliament”. As a result of this, he used to give fatwa for the necessity of righteous people to enter into the parliament and to support them for their election. Even when he was expel to Lebanon, he wrote me a letter from a prison in Lebanon, which he said: “Dear al-sayyid Al-barqai´; do not make the mosque a merchant as the other shaykh does, and broaden the waking up of people, and do not listen to the words of those who say: Sheikh Sāliḥ is the person who does not involved in welfare of the people and politics, and strive hard to urge people to vote for MaÎdaq”.  

In fact until that time maÎdaq did not have any say among the people, al-Kāshānī took him up and starts commending him, and as a result of al-Kāshānī’s efforts, lectures and letters, he got his followers, people knew maÎdaq and thereby they respected him.

Followers of al-sayyid al-Kāshānī used to sleep in the polling boot sites till the morning so that there won’t be manipulation in the polling box. We used to urge the people to elect al-Kāshānī and MaÎdaq and the like of the righteous... till Allah made it easy and these two men won in the election by a majority vote of the Council of Tehran. And when the people aware of al-Kāshānī’s victory and that he is on his way back from Lebanon by plane, people gathered from Mahrabad airport[13] to the door of his house, and we made an arrangement to make his reception suited for his position.


The Rida Bahlawī (the deposed father) did not stay very long before he died on the Island of Mauritius ... It is said that he was walking on the Island and repeats the words he used to hear every day and night: "His Majesty His Majesty.." ...days and which days! The livestock, servants and the sycophant’s people are seeking his contentment... And when he died they came with his body, and ordered his son to organise a great funeral for him and to bury him in the city of Qom. They asked from the senior scholars in Qom to pray for him, and top of them was the Grand Ayatollah Burujardi. He was among the authority, seeker of presidency and leadership, and linked to the State, and has good relationship with the king and his entourage. He prayed for him because he would not refrain from any action to save his leadership.

It has struck my mind that the staging of this funeral within the people would be a reason for continuing the corruption of religion and politics. Thus, I started thinking of an action which could serves as prevention in honouring the funeral. I have by that time reached the thirty five and I was studying in Qom. I have some friends and youth companions which I had met with them and organized a group named “Fidāīyyu al-Islam. Most of the people involved in this group were aged between fifteen years and twenty five and I was like a leader to them, and my house is the headquarters of their gathering. Some of them are those people who study from me at Al-Ḥawzah, and I have put to them the idea of impeding the success of honouring the funeral of al-Bahlawī (father). Thus, they said: I will write a statement and we will publicise it.

Therefore, we agreed to write a publication stating that whosoever comes out to honour the funeral of al-Bahlawī, that he is against the sharia and that he would expose himself to be killed.

This publication has positive influence in preventing many people from attending the funeral and even al-sayyid Burujardi feared to be attacked by the people who made the announcement as a result of his attendance. Therefore, they insisted on knowing the publishers of the announcement.

Actually, nobody knows the headquarters of the named group “Fidāiyyu al-Islam” because most of them lives in Tehran, and no one expect that al-sayyid Abu al-Fadl Al-barqa´i al-Qommī was the one who prepared and published this sharp statement.

            When the arrival of the funeral date approached, the authority was highly disturbed by those who caused the funeral ceremony not to be carried out in the way they have wanted. They held condolence gathering in the mosque of al-Imam in Qom. Among what happened was that the “Fidāiyyu al-Islam” group beat one al-sayyid named “Musa Khoshī[14] who was willing to participate in the condolence until blood came out from his head... All these made the state authority to change the idea of burying al-Bahlawī in the city of Qom to burying him in Tehran. And what happened in Tehran? I was not present in Tehran that day.


In short, in those days, the spiritualists and the merchants of doctrine plotted against me and they made the Shah government and the people to turn against me until they took the mosque from me. During this time, I have compiled the following poetry (translated):

When Al-Barqa´i sheds light upon the truth path, he is aware that the people of misguidance shall be hostile to him. There is no doubt that the path to the truth is difficult... it is a bumpy road... full of thorns. And anyone who wants comfort and high status should bear the hardships. The prankster (al-mashāyik) elders raised their voices shamelessly... they united against us and mobilized their asses and left nothing other than  bribe but paid it; in order to press charges against us and to bring injustice against us by force and bribery. They closed tawhid mosque and prevented mentioning the truth there. They overturned the place of worship and where the religious facts were explained into shop. They replace studies of the Qur’ān with a pre-sleep stories and the place of tawhid became the place to carry lying of every book.

Al-barqa´i said to himself: I have benefited in this business of yours. My heart don’t be sad as long as you are encouraging the good... O you Al-barqai, worry not as long as you are on the straight path... And be careful not to sell yourself. O you Al-barqai be firm on what Allah has guided you upon and do not be afraid of their gathering as Allah will protect you. The mosque is for the establishment of tawhid and the studying of Qur’ān and not for extremists songs.

The true Imam is the one who spread the correct doctrines and not who spread the delicate innovation. Great difference is between the Imam of knowledge and guidance and the Imam of ignorance and superstition. Great difference is between who teaches the people about calling on Him and those who teaches the people about polytheism.  O you Al-barqai stead fast with Allah and turn away from the ignorant, and return their insult with kindness so you can win the paradise

I also wrote speeches addressing it to my enemies titled: Convey our Message to the Enemies: let happiness accompany our enemies and let them be in honour every day and night. Whoever put thorns on your way, you put on his way the flowers. Whoever digs one thousand pits on your way, you clear way for him. Whoever denied your knowledge, you pray to Allah to increase his knowledge and his wealth. We are in this world and we are not war mongers... And we leave judgement to our Lord on the day which the scales are measured.

Also, Allah inspired me with these words while I am in one of the worst position of my weakness: “O my servant, the only in my course I am with you... don’t be sad  I am with you.

If you became lonely, don’t be depressed, I will protect you...don’t be sad, I am your helper.

If you lose the world, do not loose hope and don’t be despair, I am the creator of the world and I will assist you... Don’t be sad.

Even if you don’t have companion in the world, forget them and turn back to me. I will be your companion in everywhere, I am with you and your helper...so, don’t be sad.

Even if the truth has no glamour and promotion, you should show the truth because I will spend for your promotion and don’t be sad. I am sufficient for you.

Even if you have no one to take care of your need or to be of your aid, don’t be sad, I am the one who will serve your needs, don’t be sad, I am sufficient for you.

If sorrow and depress weigh you down, you just turn to me... I am the one who will protect you, don’t worry, I am sufficient for you.

Nothing will happen to you except which is good for you; I am the Knower of your interest and Forgiver of your sins, and I am your keeper... don’t worry, I am sufficient for you.

If the foolish uprooted the door of your house and the door of your mosque, know that I will protect your legacy, and I will put blessing in your business... don’t worry, I am your helper.

I am acquaintance with your supplication and your invocations in the darkness of the night... don’t be sad, I am sufficient for you.

If the lowest creatures disturb you, don’t be sad, be a free slave, I am your friend and I am your protector, don’t worry, I am sufficient for you.

If your eyes shed tears or your heart is disturbed because of loss of people, I will wipe your tears and please your heart...don’t be worried, I am your helper.

If the concern was heavy on your heart, I am the one who will soften it for you... don’t be worried, I am sufficient for you.

If no one feels your concern, be happy and be with Allah, the Mighty and the High, the survivor of your creature, I am close to you...don’t worry, I am sufficient for you, no matter how you were wronged, I am with you...don’t worry.

O you al-Barqa´i if your pursuit is because of me, it is in the benevolent path. I will accept your efforts and spread your thoughts, don’t worry, I am your helper.

I wrote the following poetry about the Iranian situation at this time (translated):

I was with a close friend of mine in a ceremony; I asked him, what did you know about Islam? He said: Definitely, religion is innocent of the people who call themselves religious men (spiritual). Mustafa was not a mujtahid (intelligent) but an illiterate. And Murtada was a serious and business man. I said to him: who will guide the people and safeguard the religion? He Said: The Qur'ān is the guider, and every Muslims must safeguard the religion. Learning the religion is a duty for everyone, and it is an obligation for the seeker of knowledge. The guider to the religion does not sell religion and he does not be weary of people. The sellers of religion do not deserve to be the leaders of the people because religion is not a commodity to be sold. The guider to the religion does not earn his livelihood from the religion, and the religion in their perspective is saved from deception. And do not make the religion a ladder to politics and don’t make it to be an exploiter.  

To govern people in my perspective does not equal as much as the worth of shoe. He was governing on the hearts and not on the Hijaz, Netherlands and Bulgaria. I asked him about the role of Alokhund, (the Shiaite cleric), he said: All are on the necks of people. I asked him about his activities, he said: the imprisonment and the murder. He is intoxicated in the wine of arrogance; he does not fulfil his pledge at all. I said to him: What is meant by Hezbollah? He said: "means the revival of the law of the Tatars. And I said to him: How are the conditions of the King? He said: like a sick person who has no nurse. I said to him: What are the effects of revolution upon us? He said: Yes it has great damages but we have waken up as a result of it. The people chose in the inner heart and they were thinking that they would be given freedom. Thus, they fell from the hole into the well and our problems were compounded hundred times. I said to him: When is the time to escape? He said: "If you prayed to Allah. We must all ask from Allah to deliver us from this problems and disasters.



In the prison, I was able to see once again the book of al-Ghadīr, authored by the learned Abdul Hussein al-Amīnī al-Tabrizi. I have read it years ago and I can say with all fairness and without slightest prejudice that those who said that: [the work of al-Aminī in this book is nothing but just to increase the chain of transporters of al-Ahadīir ḥadīth] have spoken the truth....the book can only deceive the layman and ordinary people and the less informed person who is non-specialists, but the well informed person does not have a great value for it. Unfortunately, some experts praised the book and laud it based on prejudice and in order to mislead ordinary people. In my opinion, our teacher, al-sayyid Abu Hassan al-Isfahānī was right when he was questioned about the printing of the Book with the legitimate fund (five shares), he did not agree and he answered them saying: The spending of Imām’s Portion Fund in printing the book of poetry praise might not be in the contentment of Imām.

This book was based on undocumented sources and on chain of transporters who were not related to early Islam. As a result of this, it has no value from the academic people. Unfortunately, the ideas of the author have been discussed before except that he went to raised it again. I believe that the learned people from the Shiites are afraid of themselves as this book did not provide anything, that is why those who are praising the book and advocating it among the people of authority in power of the Republic did not authorize the printing of the other books which calls for the unity, and people of the myth about the book of the grand inquisitor al-Istāz al-Ḥaider Ali Qalamdaranī: (The Way to the Unity or the Study of Imamate Texts) and the book: (The Good Righteous Deeds)[15] to one Shiite clerics in the Indian subcontinent, Mohamed Abdl al-shukūr al-Lakhanawī, or a book: (The Masterwork of the Twelve) by Abdul Aziz bin Shah Wali Allah Ahmed al-Dahlawi, or (The Concise of Raz Dalbran) by al-sayyid Abdl al-Rahman al-sirbazī which was written for the institution of: (Dar Rah-ḥaqq and the origins of religion) in Qom, or a book (The Guidance of Sunnah and the Response to People of Innovation – The Refined Concise in the Methods of moderation by Ibn al-Taymiyyah)[16]. The biography of the poor slave Al-barqa´i, and his like of the useful books of the people of Persia

But the authority does not want the name of any of the aforementioned books to reach the ears of the people. If they really want to benefit the people and to let the truth reach them, they would permit people to read the book al-Ghadīr and other books which are similar to it. So that people can see and judge for themselves and the scholars can discuss in order to know the right from the wrong, and till their situation will be as the Almighty has said: “Announce good news to my slave* Those who listen to the word and follow the best” [Al-Qur’ān: Az-Zumar: 18], but those in authority do not want this to happen, but they are responding to my ideas and my statements with gun shot and imprisonment.





Among the scholars who I studied from them also were: Shaykh Abu al-Qāsim al-Kabīr al-Qommī, and al-Ḥāj Shaykh Muhammad Ali al-Qommī al-Karbalāī, and al-sayyid Mirza Muhammad al-Sāmarrāi, and al-sayyid Mohammad Hojjat Koh Komeri, and al-Ḥaj Shaykh Abdl al-karīm al-Ḥāirī, and al-Ḥāj al-Sayyed Abu al-Ḥasan al-Isfahānī, al-Sayyed Shah Abādī and others. Some of them have written for me a certification of Ijtihād. They are: Shaykh: "Mohammed Bin Rajab Ali Tehrani Samurai," The author of the book: "The Signs and Evidence on what had Happened and what will happen from the Messages" and the book: "The Supplement of al-Buḥār". His shaykh has certified it for him based on certification by narration. Then Mohammed Bin Rajab Ali Tehrani Samurai, has certified for me what his shaykh had certified for him. Here, I will refer to his certification.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessing upon his servant who chose Muhammad and his purified family. Afterward:  

The slave wrongdoer, Mohammed Bin Rajab Ali Tehrani, may them be pardoned says, their books were given with two right hands, The al-sayyid Al-Jalīl, the noble scholar, the proud of centuries: Abu al-Fadl Al-barqa´i al-Qummi, - may Allah the High sustain him – certified for me the narration of my authentic narration and allowed me of his certification. When I saw that he is qualify and even deem fit for it, I asked Allah for proper guidance and I allowed him to narrate from the mentioned path in the named certification, and the path mentioned is in the volume twenty-sixth of our great book: “The Supplement of Al-buḥār”, which is the number of Al-buḥār volumes, by our learned scholar, al-Majlisī, may his sole be purified. I criticised him on what they criticised us for by being cautious in the speech and action, and not to forget me in my life and after my death in his solitude and under the umbrella of his acceptance prayer. Neither do I also forget him by Allah’s willing.

It was written by his sin right hand on Monday afternoon, the twenty-fourth of month Rajab in the year 1365, thankfully, prayerful and asking for forgiveness.



Al-Ḥaji al-sayyid Bazrak al-Tehrani, the author of the book: "The Claim to the Shiites Books," also wrote a certification to the week servant. The text is as follows:

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Merciful

Praise to Allah who praise is due for, and prayers and peace be upon our master and the Prophet, Muhammad al-Mustafa, and upon his infallible guardians, the twelve imams, may blessing of Allah be upon them all till the day of judgement. Afterward:

The al-Sayyid al-Ssanad, the accredited learned, the proud and the noble, his Excellency and majesty, the outstanding author, the virtues writer, our great master, al-sayyid Abd al-Fadl al-Radawī, the son of the master, the entrusted, al-Sayyid Ḥassan Al-barqa´i al-Qummī, may his grace be long, and make abundant many of his like who protects the religion. He was famous with his noble pen and this suffices us in his praising and description. He has requested from me, in his good intention, the permission to narrate for himself. For his dutiful honour, the young, blessed, al-Sayyid Mohammed Hussein – may Allah keep him from the evil – permitted them to narrate from me all my authentic narration from every of my special and general notable scholars, and in particular my first scholar who is the last of mujtahidin and muhaddithin, and the third of the council, our scholar, the learned: al-Ḥāj Mirza Hussayn al-Nūrī, who died in Najaf al-Ashraf in the year (1325), may Allah prolong their existence for me on all his five written paths in the conclusion of his book; “Mustadrak al-wasāil”, and al-Mushajjara fi mawaqi, al-Nujum li man shāa wa aḥaba, with being cautious and hope for their kindness in remembering me for forgiveness in life and after death.  

I wrote it with my trembling hand in Tehran in the house of the late Ayatollah: al-Ḥāj Ahmed al-Tāliqānī, and I am the offender named Muhsin al-fānī the famous: Āqā Barsaq al-Tehrani in the spring of (1382). (Seal)



The late Abdl al-Nabiy al-Najafī, al-Iraqi al-Raqsi[17], the author of the book: "Gawāli Al-liāli fī furūhu al-ilm al-ijmālī" and many other books, and one of the students of "Mirza Husayn al-Taīniī, wrote to me also the following certification:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

Praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds who gave preference to the scholars ink over the blood of the martyrs, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his trustees, his righteous friends who are also his followers, and the curse of Allah be on all the enemies until the day of the meeting. Afterward:

It is obvious that al-saayid Al-mustatāb, the virtuous scholar, the virtuous and righteous, the model of virtuous and teacher, the dependant of the righteous and friends, the pillar of active scholars, the dependant of the jurist and intelligent scholars, the confident of Islam and the Muslims, al-sayyid Āgha, Sayyid Abu al-Fadl, al-Qommi, al-Tehranī, nicknamed the learned al-Ridawi, had been continuously attending many of my external lectures in al-Najaf al-Asharaf for many years. Also he had attended the lecture of this person in Qom for several years in order to study about the divine knowledge, Shariah sciences, the religious issues and the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad. Thus, he strived as he could, made an effort and worked hard until he reached the stage of ijtihad by Allah grace, therefore, he is permitted to devise Shariah legal provisions and to work with other friends, May Allah bless them all. I have permitted him to narrate on my behalf the nine paths which belong till the infallible persons, peace be upon them. I have permitted him also to pass fatawa. He has also been permitted to act in the matters of Shariah which are not permitted to deal with except for only mujtahidin. He is permitted also to receive the economic rights, particularly the share of Imam, peace be upon him. All these permissions are subject to cautiousness and righteousness. Dated in the Holy month of Dhu al-Hijjah in the ear (1370). Al-fani, the offender, al-Najafi al-Iraqi (Seal).



The late Ayatollah al-sayyed Abd al-Qasim al-Kashani wrote for me the certification of Al-ijtihād which reads as follows:   

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and blessing upon His Messenger and his pure and infallible family. afterwards:

The justice honourable scholar, trust of Islam and the Muslim, al-sayyid Abu al- Fadl, the learned al-Barqai, al-Ridawi has spent most of is honourable age in the study of fundamental issues and jurisprudence till he became a sanctity force in restoring the branches of jurisprudence to its roots. He has a work done in devising legal ruling and being cautious of peculiarity. Peace upon him and us and the righteous servant of Allah.  The wretched: Abu al-Qasim al-Husseini al-Kashani. (Seal). 



The late al-sayyid Abu al-ḥassan al-Isfahani as well wrote for me the following certification when I wanted to return back from al-Najaf to my country.

Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace on His best creature, Muhammad, and his good and pure family, and persistence curse on all the enemies from now to the Day of Judgement, afterward:

The honourable and the justice scholar, the promoter of legal ruling and the comfort of my eyes, Abu al-Fadl Al-barqai, is among who strives earnestly to study Shariah legal ruling and divine knowledge through his life and many of his time, working hard to benefit from the distinguished scholars until he reached - by Allah’s grace - the high stage of virtue and diligence, coupled with his goodness and soundness. He has the ability to address sensual matters and the matter which are not permissible for non-scholars and jurist to address. I have permitted him to take from the share of Imam, peace upon him, as much as he needed, and send the excess of it to al-Najaf and to disburse some amount of it to the poor and the needy and others. I permitted him to narrate from me all what is authentic from to narration, and which its chain is obvious from me. I charged him to maintain righteousness, and to be cautious of peculiarity and not to forget to pray for me under the umbrella of acceptance. Allah is the best protector and the most Merciful! (22 Dhu al-Hijjah) Abu al-Hasan al-Musawi al-Isfahani. (Seal).


THE CERTIFICATION OF AQHA AL-NAJAFĪ AL-MU´SHĪ TO AL-BARQA´I Among those who wrote certification for me was al-sayyid Shihab al-Din Al-Marashi, who was best known as Aqa Najafi, the author in the field of woodlands and genealogies. This is the text of the certification:

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

Praise to Allah on His grace, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his truth family, and afterward:

The al-sayyid, dependable scholar, light of the noble sky, the pretty among the family of Al-Taha, the great and high honourable, the light of high dignity, the base of high glory, the mediator of best contract, his Excellency, al-sayyid,  Abu al-Fadl ibn al-Sharif Abd al-Hassan al-ridawi, al-Qommi - may his grace be long, and increased his righteous and purity – wished and wanted to join the chain of muhaddithin and narrators of his blessed grandparents, and to be in this higher step and string. Thus, when I found him worthy of it and assessed his knowledge and merit, I permitted him to narrate from me, all the authentic of my narration and, then its chain of transmitters from my noble scholars, the distinguished jurist, the transmitter of ḥadīth, who they are about one hundred from the fellow imamate, in addition to my chain of all the Islamic sects of Al-saydiyyah, al-Ismāiliyyah, al-Ḥanābilah, al-Shāfi´iyyat, al-Mālikiyyah and al-Ḥanafiyyah and other than them. It is not possible for me to mention all the complete chains and thus I will be contented with enumerating five of them to get the blessing of mentioning them. Then I say: among those who I took from them, the permission, presentation, reading, listening and presentation and apart from these in the relation of Hadith is the Imam of the narrators and the great scholars of men of narrations and the narrations, the centre of certification, the pillar of prospects horizon, the Iraqi learned, my teacher, on him I depend, the trust of Islam, Ayatollah exalted among creatures: my master and al-sayyid Abu Mohammed al-sayyid Hassan Sadr al-Din al-Musawi (d. 1354) ...[18]

This is what I intend to mention in its chain of narrators and they are six, the learned al-sayyid, Abu al-fadl, may blessing be upon him, is to narrate from me and from my mentioned scholars, with their linked chains, up to our Imams, the prophet family and leader of the humankind, taking into the account the established condition of its position in the authentication of narration, consideration of strictness, cautiousness and others. Finally, I recommend him – may his glory be long, and increase his good and efforts - not to leave the path of righteous and appropriateness in his actions and words, and to divert more of his life in the service of knowledge and religion, and the promotion of prophet messages (PBUH), and not to be deceived with superstitions of this mean world, and to increasingly remembering the death.  

It was reported that the most courteous Muslim is the one who remember death most, and frequently visit the graves and taking into account those in the graves and those who have left because this is a solution for piety, and good cure for entertaining desires, and to think of who are they?! Where were they?! And how were they?! And where they became?! And how they became?! and replaced the palaces with the graves, and not to leave the night prayer if he could, and to create time for questioning himself. It has reportedly confirmed from him what does not elaboration, among it, is his word: (Question yourself before you were questioned), and his saying: (Question yourself as a partner question his partner). This – may Allah make his days long and bless his yeas – if he selected a time for it, he would not put it off his time,

He said: Distribution of the times is to make it available, and among the benefits of questioning oneself is that if he noticed any mistake in his action when questioning, he will correct it with repentance and acquaintance, and if he discovers good deeds from him, he praises Allah and thanks him for the grace of this good gesture, and I recommend him – may Allah fulfil his hopes and correct his action - to reduce keeping accompany and associating with the youth of this age, in particular those who claimed to be knowledgeable, because their clubs and lodges contain what often causes the anger of al-Rahman, as much of their discussion are backbiting and eating the flesh of Muslim brotherhood. It was said: Verily, the act of backbiting is eating the dead flesh of who is backbit, and if he who is backbit is among the scholars, its backbiting was like eating his poisoned flesh dead. The flesh of the scholars is poisonous, may Allah protect us and you from error and mistake, and from slip of tongue and action. He is able to do so, and He is worth of that. I ask Him to make you among the religious figures and to strengthen you and the Muslims likes you, Amen! Amen! And I am an expectant of his Lord blessing, the humble: Abu al-Mahali, Shihab al-Din al-Husseini al-Hassani Al Marashi al-Moussawi al-Radawi al-Safavid, al-Najafi (kinsfolk of Allah messenger), May Allah give forgive him and be with him. He has completed writing it at a place which it was the last three days of Safar (1358) in the town of the honourable Qom, the sacred of the scholars (Seal).

Both the Sheikh Abdul Karim Haeri and Ayatollah Sheikh Mohamed Sayed Hojjat Koh Comeri also wrote certificates of Ijtihad for me. I have handed over the original certificate to the Ministry of Culture to appoint a delegate regarding it (It is assumed to be kept in the archives of the Ministry).  

Based upon this, the ministry had issued a certificate to me. This reads as follows:

Ministry of Culture

Issue: (877/25019).

Date: (10/8/29) [19]

Subject to the first section of the item one in the article (62) of Reform of Some Resolution Act, and the article that concerns the Law of Military Service, modified in the month of Isfand[20] (1321 AH – Solar calender), and subject to the law of issuing certificates of Ijtihad which was modified on (25th march, 1323) in the Council of Higher Education, presents the certificate of Ijtihad to His Excellency al-sayyid, Abu al-Fadl Ibn al-Rida (Al-barqai) the nationality with number: (21285) issued in Qom, who was born in (1287 solar calendar) in the number (754) of the Consultative Council of Higher Education dated (07/08/1329) recognised the issuance of the mentioned certificate from the Muslim Ijtihad source.

Minister of Culture: Dr. Shamsuddin Algeria. It is worth mentioning that while the law provides that the State has no right in interfering with Ijtihad, but they threw me in disasters.

I will conclude the speech by mentioning two important things to the noble reader: that is Islam can be summarized into two things: glorifying

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